i am so super pumped to go see the new batman movie. with all the hype surrounding it, i just hope i can get tickets. luckily, st. louis has about 40 million more theaters than madison so i should be able to see it somewhere this weekend. i half thought about buying tickets online but i don't know who all is going to be going... and i wasn't about to blow 50 bucks reserving tickets for a date and time that would leave me going by myself to the most expensive movie experience of my lifetime. oh oh oh, ijustcantwait!
i'm gonna be one poor child this month. july always has the best movies and they always come out back to back. the new x files movie comes out soon as well as mamma mia and step brothers. i just need to take a weekend and spend the entire time at the theater. pay for one - sneak into the rest. it'd be like junior high all over again! now all i need is a boy to makeout with in the back row. wait, eff that. i'd rather watch the movie!
i'm going to see batman at the imax theater this weekend!!! i am sooooooo excited! we simply must watch and then conference!