Thursday, December 18, 2008


it sure does seem like christmas is sneaking up on me. my dad was right when he said the older you get the faster the year goes by. it might be the result of my days all seeming the same. sometimes its hard to tell a monday from a friday. i'm not really complaining. i like knowing what to expect each day. i do miss back in the day when my waitressing schedule would be different every 2 weeks. i complained then too though. i think we always want what we don't have.

it looks like we're going to be snowed in tomorrow. while i would love to be without snow for the rest of my existence i do appreciate a snow day off work! it's the one upside of all the bad weather - that and the fact that i don't have to shovel anymore. shoveling + me = crabby. when bryan was in germany a few weeks ago it really showed me how helpless in the north i would be w/o him. if i were single i would definitely not live here. i like madison a lot more than i did at first and it does feel like home but i definitely don't see myself braving a solitary winter here.

the cold weather does at least force me to come to terms with being indoors. i don't typically enjoy a lot of physical outdoor activities but when the weather is nice i like to bounce around town - do some shopping and just drive around with the windows down. the snowy weather forces me to stay in and then i can actually focus on indoor stuff i enjoy like knitting and reading and snuggling with my cats. man, what an existence. :D

oh yeah ~ i finished all 4 of the twilight saga books. let me tell you how depressing it was to finish! i was dreading the ending not because of what could possibly happen at the end of the book but because i didn't want the story to end. i read all of midnight sun on stephenie meyer's website too. i wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was but it sucked me in even more than twilight! god bless a good book on a cold day. life doesn't get any better.

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