all you need is love

my sister sent me a link last week about working with citymeals-on-wheels to deliver homemade valentines day cards along with a meal on valentines day to mostly home-bound elderly folks this year. it feels good to do something for someone else - even if it's a small gesture. you can find the information on the program by clicking here. the above cards are the few i just finished making. i was feeling pretty good about myself until i checked out some of the other cards users made. mine might fail in comparison but i guess the thought still counts.
on another note - one of these days i need to organize all my crafty stuff. gah, it's a mess. my things are slowly taking over the office closet. pretty soon we're going to have to think about expanding! maybe i'll even get my own room. *closes eyes and wishes*

please note the mess. =) anyone know a good maid?
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