first things first
the video collage for my dads birthday. i have two video jokes from my family so far and i have yet to really delve into imovie. hopefully it's easy-peasy coz i have to have the video complete by the weekend of february 7th! i'll upload it here when it's done!
ugh and...
i need to finish up the scrapbook i'm making for seany. it's a memory book from the trip he and my dad took down the mississippi river.
i'm of course, working on my hatty. this is a small project however and will be done in the next day or so. i'm getting a little nervous about decreasing and finishing the top off. oh the pressure!
i'm going to attempt a baby blanket. it shouldn't be too hard as it's just a simple stockinette stitch. it has a hood though which will be interesting. here's a picture!

and then...
i need to try my hand at cabling! insert cabled scarfy!

all the while:
i'm working on a simple ribbed scarf like the first (technically 2nd) one i made a few posts ago. this time i followed the pattern and it's wide enough to not warrant the name "charlie brown" scarf. i like to have one easy project to work on for when the harder projects weigh on my mind. sometimes its nice to work on something you're good at.
dun dun dun...
my goal is to make the mittens that bella wore in twilight. they're so super cute but they also look really complicated. i found a pattern online but i'm definitely not skilled enough to attempt them quite yet. i have to master cabling first.

i found this on - doesn't look too complicated! add it to the list!

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