Tuesday, January 6, 2009

size matters

the problem has been identified. i need to re-read the chapter on how to read a pattern. that and needle size. using a size 10.5 circular needle on a pattern that calls for a size 7 results in a hat for giants. oh and also, apparently when a pattern calls for a stockinette stitch and you're working with circular needles all you need to do it knit a regular stitch! funny how the book failed to mention that. i think it's a conspiracy. thank the lawd i have mrs. banda to identify my short-comings. i vow that hat #2 will be a success!

well, it will be a success if i can find needles which are the correct size. i made a trip to michaels on my lunch break and it looks like the knitting section was ransacked by thieving grandmas. there were absolutely no size 7 8 or 9 circular needles. i'll have to make a second attempt at joanns on my way home. banda came to the rescue again and even sent me a 40% off coupon! woot!

on another note - i'm officially signing up for the gym tonight. a new golds gym opened up right by my house for $20/mo. it doesn't get any better than that! i'm looking forward to tracking my progress on the wii fit. my goal is to fit back into my khaki banana republic cargo pants. i've been saving them for a time such as this!

yay fitness and knitting!


  1. reading yours and jenny's and cass' blogs make me feel like i'm friends with grandmas. but oddly, it makes me want to learn to knit you all a scarf.

  2. come to the dark side holly!
