productivity is the name of the game! i've gotten a lot accomplished today - unfortunately none of it has been work related. i just recently changed my email addy to my ibduffy handle (truck driver pun intended) and since you can't change the associated email address to your blogger account i decided to switch my webid to correspond to this new gmail address. whatever, it doesn't matter. all that matters is if you're reading this right now, then you've figured it out.
i don't have OCD or anything, but i do like my internetty stuff to be consistent. i've been using the ibduffy name on a lot of other stuff lately so for the sake of continuity - here i am!
so here again i sit, on company time (i'm banking on the fact that no one really reads this) type type typing away on this thing. today has been a little better but it's still slower than molasses 'round these parts. i don't want to send the wrong message - i *do* do work at work. it's just, lately, it's been boring with a capital B. the little work i do have i whiz through and then sit drumming my fingers aimlessly on my desk. with all the layoffs of people at other companies, though, i need to count my blessings that i do have a job right now. let's just cross our fingers that time speeds up. 3 more hours to go...
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