Well, I was able to check a few things off my weekend agenda list.
I found my SD card. In three pieces. Downstairs next to the litter boxes. One guess who's responsible for that. Luckily, B was able to fix it. I'm not sure how I feel using it as I'm unsure if it was ever IN one of the litter boxes.
I watched the movie Changeling. It was surprisingly really good. I am not usually an Angelina Jolie fan but I must say this was one of her best ones. It really made my heart hurt. It got too late to watch The Lucky Ones. I returned it to the video store a day late and unwatched. Kind of a waste, but oh well.
I accomplished step 1 of the planting process. I purchased 3 hydrangea plants, 18 Gladiolus bulbs, and 3 Dahlia bulbs. B was too entrenched in the building of the retaining wall that he never had time to put in the edging where I wanted to plant. I guess planting will have to be next weekends project.
I never made it to the library. That was supposed to be on the agenda for Saturday but we got a little detained at Menards after Bryan overloaded the trailer. We made it up the street from the store with our load that took us (or B, rather) 2 hours to stack like a Tetris game and noticed the tires on the trailer were about to go. We had to pull into a parking lot, B had to walk back to Menards and rent a truck, come back, unload half the materials into the truck, and then I got to drive the truck home while Bryan drove his Jeep and the trailer. Then, so we didn't get charged for another hour (god forbid) B had to race to get everything unloaded from the truck so we could return it on time. How many times did I say the word "truck" in this paragraph? By the time we made it home, the library was closed. Maybe I'll head there on my lunch break one day this week...
I got lots of sleeping in done. I even took a 2 hour nap while Bryan worked on the retaining wall outside on Sunday. Isn't that what Easter is all about? Bunnies, candy, and napping? I'm pretty sure Bryan was unaware of my napping as he worked outside. Mum is the word.
All in all it was a pretty relaxing weekend. We got a lot done on the house. Or, Bryan got a lot done on the house, rather. I got a few more chapters of The Host read and a good nap in.
I pretty much call this weekend a success.
quasi-related to your post, i need to share my gospel.
this is mine and nicholas' favorite video store. i took the liberty of looking, and they have one (but only one) in madison. don't know if it's in a practical location for you or not.
a few of my favorite things about family video (at least the one here): (1) regular new release rentals are $2.50, (2) "old" releases are 50 cents, (3) the first month of your membership, all movies are half price! (4) all educational, exercise and kiddo movies are FREE! and (5) if you cut up a competitor's card, they give you a FREE rental! needless to say, i definitely had a use for raul vasquez's blockbuster card that elizabeth and i found in the nyc subway. =)