Thursday, June 25, 2009

bitch mode

Why do all the girls in the new Transformers movie look like they have a STD?

B and I went to the midnight showing of Transformers the other night. The theater was packed to the brim mostly with young guys - some toting their girlfriends along. I was excited to see the movie as I really liked the first one. I can remember the holy shit that was awesome feeling I had when the first one ended in the theater. So needless to say, I was pumped.

With all the buzz around Megan Fox, I was prepared for numerous close ups on her boobs. And boy, was I smart to be prepared. There were so many lingering closeups that I even became uncomfortable a few times.

And, it really started bothering me that all the girls looked sweaty ALL the time. I mean, isn't there a/c in the house? Why are you so sweaty? And don't even get me started on the amount of lip gloss that girl wears. WHO WEARS THAT MUCH LIP GLOSS MEGAN?

I know I'm coming across as just another bitchy female who thinks all pretty women are bimbos, but that's just not the case. I like guy movies and I know with that comes watching half-naked girls in completely ridiculous and unbelievable scenarios ie, Megan Fox draped over a motorcycle, her butt sticking up in the air. (That cannot be a comfortable way to sit.)

The more I've thought about it, the more I realize it goes both ways. Megan Fox draped over a motorcycle is really no different than Rob Pattinson going shirtless and running through a forest. They do whatever it takes to get the fans in the door and happy, eager to pay 20 bucks for the DVD when it's released. And let's be cliche', sex sells.

The problem I have is, well, I guess I don't really have a problem at all. It's a movie. Who cares. She's not an ugly girl. Megan Fox is very pretty. I just think she's way prettier when she's clothed and does not have obscene amounts of lip gloss and sweat dripping off of her.

There. I'm done.

1 comment:

  1. i was always grossed out a bit by the way females were portrayed in actual comic books, the almost comically over-sized breasts. but i like your comparison between megan fox and rob pattinson - very true.
