So here's the situation.
There are people around me who are just now getting into Twilight, which is great. Add that in with all the movie buzz, and the award show appearances of Bella and Edward (no, they do not have real names) and I have myself a problem. I am itching to read the books again. I own all four, so this shouldn't be too hard a goal to conquer, however, I have like 8 million books in line to be read before them. My bright and shiny new library card is just calling out to be used. I have two library books in my possession presently and two on hold. Not to mention the other 8 or 9 books sitting on my bookshelf at home that burned a hole in my pocket which still have not been opened.
I'm weighing my options. Do I put all other books on hold and pick up the Twilight series again, only to have it rip my life away like it did last time? Or, do I tuck them away - a prize to be reached only when finishing all other books in line before them? Ugh, the torture. Please, feel free to stop and point and call me a nerd as you pass by.
I know not everyone holds Twilight in such high regard. And I admit it might not be the best piece of work ever written, but I won't lie that it doesn't suck me in like a fat kid wearing spandex. The books are like cocaine. (I decided against comparing it to Edwards desire for Bella's blood, citing good taste. No pun intended.) And I also know once I pick the books back up my tone with Bryan will turn condescending for the simple fact that he is not Edward Cullen.
Can my relationship sustain such a thing?
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