Thursday, July 16, 2009

hbp, ftw!

Freak the heck out. Harry Potter came out this week and I still haven't seen it yet. I usually go to the midnight release but because of some changes in plans and the hubby's travel plans for work - I have to wait until Friday night.

I talked to someone about the release today and she mentioned what a HUGE Harry Potter fan she was... and then proceeded to ask if Dumbledore died in Order of the Phoenix.



It's hard to wait when I keep hearing how this is the best Potter movie yet. I thought Order of the Phoenix was by far the best out of the 5 that were already out. If you've read the books, you'll know how the first few movies just don't quite live up to the awesomeness that is Harry Potter. It doesn't help that I've had to wait even longer than I thought to see HBP in the first place. The darn movie was supposed to be released in November (I think it had the same release date as Twilight, even) and then was pushed back due in part to said Twilight.

While I love me some Edward Cullen, he just does not compare to Harry Potter - and Potter fans everywhere were pissed that HP6 (which has always come out in the Fall) was pushed back due to some stinkin' vampires.

In fact, check this out...

"Howler" w/ Hank Green

Curse you July release date!

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