Tuesday, March 31, 2009

i sit content

You might want to sit down for this. I want to get a library card. In the past I have had a strong aversion to library books but I am hoping to change my ways. I like to own my books. I think of my bookshelves as a kind of trophy case . Why would I want to give a book back after reading it? This habit has become a bit expensive and asinine and has prevented me from reading things at random. Don't get me wrong though - I still plan on buying all the books I love!

I'm hoping that the library also provides me with a quiet place to write. I just can't write at home. I'm too easily distracted. There are too many things at home that keep me from writing - the cats do something cute, I notice something is being tivo'd, Bryan is farting or talking...

I was thinking about hitting up Starbucks too but there are too many people in this town that head to Starbucks with their laptops. It reminds me of the episode of Family Guy where the guy takes his laptop to Starbucks so people can see him writing. That's what being a writer is all about - making sure people notice you are a writer.

Plus, I've lived here for almost 2 years now. It's about time I have a library card.

I also really want to learn how to play the piano. I have the fingers for it - long and quick. I figure it would be a shame to not at least give it a try. I want to learn the guitar too - nothing fancy, I just want to be able to play with it a bit. I just want the cheap 60$ guitar from Target. I keep trying to convince Bryan this is the logical way to go. Who knows if I'll even want to mess with it much.

I'm starting to realize there are a lot of things I want to do. I'm starting to be more productive and creative and looking out ahead of me. I'm not really sure if it's because I'm getting older or if I am just realizing how short life is. The only thing that has held me back in the past has been myself. It's easy to put things off but it's more fun to do them now and have even more fun stuff to look forward to later!

I had an interesting moment with my niece this weekend. At least I thought it was interesting - she may have thought nothing of it. She was telling me how she couldn't do the whole "Twilight" thing anymore. She had gone to see the movie and the tweens were just too annoying. She was cooler than that. And she is - cooler than that I mean. I get annoyed myself with the overly obsessed teeny-bopper girls but I asked her, "Why can't you just like it just because you like it?" Who cares if other people like it or don't like it. I like it regardless of who else does. I think that's what happiness is all about - like what you like, man. Who cares.

There is a really great Walt Whitman poem that I love which is fitting here.

"I exist as I am, that is enough,
If no other in the world be aware I sit content,
And if each and all be aware I sit content." - Walt Whitman


  1. i used to have that quote posted up in my bathroom of my old apt so i could read it everyday and know that it is true.

    also, getting a library card was one of the first things i did when i moved here. i, like you, love buying books and seeing my library grow, but you're right... it's expensive (and sometimes i even think it's wasteful on acct of how i never read some of those books more than once...) anyway... i love the library and it's even given me the chance to read books i never would have otherwise. use it to the best of its ability!
