Out the window goes yesterdays goal. I went to Target last night and let my inner 13 year old girl convince me to buy The Host by Stephenie Meyer. I started it last night and have to say it's a bit weird and hard to get into so far. I'm only to chapter 4 but my friend keeps reiterating how wonderful it is so I will go forward into the abyss of Stephenie Meyers alien world hoping to be drawn in soon. I will update as my journey moves forward.
In other news, I am having an ardent love affair with the music of Ray LaMontagne. It's been made even better with the cold and rainy setting the northern weather has provided. I usually tire quickly of slow-moving music but Ray LaMontagne is slowly making me melt. I've been listening to him on Pandora and hope to buy a few things off iTunes soon. Empty and Shelter will for sure be among the first purchased.
Along with Ray LaMontagne on Pandora comes Ryan Adams, Damien Rice, & James Morrison just to name a few. Let's just say i'm loving this station.
All of this rain, music, and reading has me itching to write a story. It's been a long while since i've really delved into something so creative. (I guess I'm not counting knitting.) I typed out a few thoughts I had previously about a girl name Ila but it never went further than what I shared here. Writing has become sort of a fickle process for me. It used to flow out of my fingers so easily but lately has been very strained and forced. I hope to get back to it soon.
There is nothing better than swimming around in a world you only know in your head.
m hm