it would be sooo nice if i could finish one project without goofing it up. if you head over to the knittin' blog you'll see that my hat didn't turn out as well as i had hoped. i was beyond frustrated last night. punching somebody would've made for a nice release but bryan didn't look like he was going to volunteer to be the punchee and i'm against violence towards cats. but today is a new day and there will always be new projects to start on. i had my mini-meltdown-whoa-is-me moment last night and now i have to push those feelings to the side and bring a fresh set of eyes to the next knit.
in the end though, i realize that everybody messes a few things up. in my case, some more than others. if i didn't mess up i wouldn't have errors to learn from. i have to keep plugging along and remember that it will get better and easier. i guess the logical deduction to make here is that i should apply these little lessons to the bigger picture. there are always going to be bumps in the road, little mess-ups and things that work better the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th time around. i'm thankful i have the mind to recognize this and pick myself back up to start over.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
all you need is love
on another note - one of these days i need to organize all my crafty stuff. gah, it's a mess. my things are slowly taking over the office closet. pretty soon we're going to have to think about expanding! maybe i'll even get my own room. *closes eyes and wishes*

please note the mess. =) anyone know a good maid?
please note the mess. =) anyone know a good maid?
Friday, January 23, 2009
add it to the list!

i have a plethora of projects to keep me occupied. right now my list includes: an imovie for my dads birthday, a scrapbook for seany, a baby blanket which erin is pwning me at, and two hats - one for my sister and one for my niece. thankfully, hats do not take all that long and they need to be finished before my st. louis visit at the beginning of february. pictured on the right is a demo of the hat i'm working on. hopefully mine will rock even more than this one!
in summation - hooray for projects!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
a thank you
three words: soy milk latte.
a very kind thank you goes out to my very own starbucks employee for keeping me in the know on many very delicious drinks which in turn make my days much more pleasant! my tummy thanks you. however, my wallet does not. i am going to need to think about filling out a job application at starbucks in order for my newly developed obsession to continue. that or find a rich husband to replace the penny pincher one i own now. =)
on another note - changing topics, i have to put down my knittin' for a little bit while i work on the video for my dads birthday. i just started it last night and i'm really excited about how it's turning out. imovie is ridiculously easy to use. i was concerned about being able to work on it again tonight because i had to take tashi my laptop into the macstore to get a new airport card. thanks to the geniuses that work there though it's ready for pick up already! bless their little apple shaped hearts. i guess erin really is going to pwn me afterall.
the blanket is about 8 inches now. i'm not really in a big hurry with it due to the fact that i have no baby to put it in (that's for you banda.) in between working on my dads video i am also getting ready to start on another hat for my sister. i found a cute pattern online and will post pictures when it's done!
woot for projects!
a very kind thank you goes out to my very own starbucks employee for keeping me in the know on many very delicious drinks which in turn make my days much more pleasant! my tummy thanks you. however, my wallet does not. i am going to need to think about filling out a job application at starbucks in order for my newly developed obsession to continue. that or find a rich husband to replace the penny pincher one i own now. =)
on another note - changing topics, i have to put down my knittin' for a little bit while i work on the video for my dads birthday. i just started it last night and i'm really excited about how it's turning out. imovie is ridiculously easy to use. i was concerned about being able to work on it again tonight because i had to take tashi my laptop into the macstore to get a new airport card. thanks to the geniuses that work there though it's ready for pick up already! bless their little apple shaped hearts. i guess erin really is going to pwn me afterall.
the blanket is about 8 inches now. i'm not really in a big hurry with it due to the fact that i have no baby to put it in (that's for you banda.) in between working on my dads video i am also getting ready to start on another hat for my sister. i found a cute pattern online and will post pictures when it's done!
woot for projects!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
my career
ya know, i'm happy being careerless. bryan and i were at noodles the other day and he was constantly getting little pings on his cellphone letting him know he had a message. the messages, of course, were all from work. he shoveled food into his mouth as he flipped through each one. between mouthfulls of his wisconsin-style mac and cheese he would explain this and that to me about new products, promotions, travel schedules, etc. he was perfectly happy perusing his inbox in the midst of our lunch. it was at this moment when it dawned on me - he has a career.
i, however, have a job - and i am perfectly happy with that. i don't struggle to "get ahead." i don't check my work email after 5pm (4:30 if i'm lucky to sneak out early). i don't really care about much as long as my paycheck shows up on time and in full.
that's not to say i don't work while i'm at work. i have to do my job in order to get paid. if i don't send out the invoices the money doesn't come in and trickle down to little old me. i guess my point is - i would probably be perfectly happy doing a different job somewhere else as well. i work for a good company and have a lot of leeway regarding what i can and can't get away with and i like it here - but i'm not looking to move up anywhere here... i'm just happy doing my own thing, listening to pandora and minding my own business.
someday i'm going to be rich and not have to work, so what's the point in trying to hard now, anyway?
i, however, have a job - and i am perfectly happy with that. i don't struggle to "get ahead." i don't check my work email after 5pm (4:30 if i'm lucky to sneak out early). i don't really care about much as long as my paycheck shows up on time and in full.
that's not to say i don't work while i'm at work. i have to do my job in order to get paid. if i don't send out the invoices the money doesn't come in and trickle down to little old me. i guess my point is - i would probably be perfectly happy doing a different job somewhere else as well. i work for a good company and have a lot of leeway regarding what i can and can't get away with and i like it here - but i'm not looking to move up anywhere here... i'm just happy doing my own thing, listening to pandora and minding my own business.
someday i'm going to be rich and not have to work, so what's the point in trying to hard now, anyway?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
little bit of this, little bit of that
it. is. frigid. i'm still trying to figure out how i managed to get out the door this morning without thinking "wow, you should really put on long sleeves." that's right folks, it is 35 below zero w/ windchill and i wore short sleeves. in my defense it *is* a cardigan i'm wearing over another shirt. the cardigan just happens to stop a good two inches before my elbow. bah. i failed to remember how cold it is in the office. bah bah bah.
changing topics, however - i must blurb about american idol. i didn't really get into the show until last year, but i pride myself on the fact that i didn't miss a single show last season. tivo helped me achieve this. i was a little worried after the first airing of auditions this season because no one stood out, but after last night i almost have too many people i like! i'll be happy when they narrow it down to 24 so i can pick a favorite. last year - my favorite turned into a bit of an obsession with the release of all the songs they did on itunes. thankfully david cook won last year and i now have a full CD of studio-mastered hits to drool over. my affection for the show only increases due to the fact that most of my friends watch it as well. there's nothing better than gossiping over who sucked and who rocked the next day!
i had a thought last night while watching, which i'm sure isn't the first time i've thought it - however for some reason this time it really nagged at me. this show really brings out the bottom of the gene pool. i realize that some people suck intentionally, and some people dont' suck as bad as they make them out to suck, but some people really are *that* crazy/gross/horrible. you just have to think "wow, your parents must've had some messed up DNA to pop someone like you out!" oy vey...
oh, and one last topic. i'd like to bring up how as i get older my OCD is really starting to surface. today i had to go back through our wektog blog and capitalize my entry so it would match jennys entry. (as you've noticed i'm usually anti-capitalization.) and so what does jenny do? on her next post she puts the title in all lower case letters! ACK! what do i do, what do i do?!
changing topics, however - i must blurb about american idol. i didn't really get into the show until last year, but i pride myself on the fact that i didn't miss a single show last season. tivo helped me achieve this. i was a little worried after the first airing of auditions this season because no one stood out, but after last night i almost have too many people i like! i'll be happy when they narrow it down to 24 so i can pick a favorite. last year - my favorite turned into a bit of an obsession with the release of all the songs they did on itunes. thankfully david cook won last year and i now have a full CD of studio-mastered hits to drool over. my affection for the show only increases due to the fact that most of my friends watch it as well. there's nothing better than gossiping over who sucked and who rocked the next day!
i had a thought last night while watching, which i'm sure isn't the first time i've thought it - however for some reason this time it really nagged at me. this show really brings out the bottom of the gene pool. i realize that some people suck intentionally, and some people dont' suck as bad as they make them out to suck, but some people really are *that* crazy/gross/horrible. you just have to think "wow, your parents must've had some messed up DNA to pop someone like you out!" oy vey...
oh, and one last topic. i'd like to bring up how as i get older my OCD is really starting to surface. today i had to go back through our wektog blog and capitalize my entry so it would match jennys entry. (as you've noticed i'm usually anti-capitalization.) and so what does jenny do? on her next post she puts the title in all lower case letters! ACK! what do i do, what do i do?!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
this one's for you, consistency!
productivity is the name of the game! i've gotten a lot accomplished today - unfortunately none of it has been work related. i just recently changed my email addy to my ibduffy handle (truck driver pun intended) and since you can't change the associated email address to your blogger account i decided to switch my webid to correspond to this new gmail address. whatever, it doesn't matter. all that matters is if you're reading this right now, then you've figured it out.
i don't have OCD or anything, but i do like my internetty stuff to be consistent. i've been using the ibduffy name on a lot of other stuff lately so for the sake of continuity - here i am!
so here again i sit, on company time (i'm banking on the fact that no one really reads this) type type typing away on this thing. today has been a little better but it's still slower than molasses 'round these parts. i don't want to send the wrong message - i *do* do work at work. it's just, lately, it's been boring with a capital B. the little work i do have i whiz through and then sit drumming my fingers aimlessly on my desk. with all the layoffs of people at other companies, though, i need to count my blessings that i do have a job right now. let's just cross our fingers that time speeds up. 3 more hours to go...
i don't have OCD or anything, but i do like my internetty stuff to be consistent. i've been using the ibduffy name on a lot of other stuff lately so for the sake of continuity - here i am!
so here again i sit, on company time (i'm banking on the fact that no one really reads this) type type typing away on this thing. today has been a little better but it's still slower than molasses 'round these parts. i don't want to send the wrong message - i *do* do work at work. it's just, lately, it's been boring with a capital B. the little work i do have i whiz through and then sit drumming my fingers aimlessly on my desk. with all the layoffs of people at other companies, though, i need to count my blessings that i do have a job right now. let's just cross our fingers that time speeds up. 3 more hours to go...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
the current
current clothing: the usual jewelry, uggs, jeans, white long sleeve shirt under a blue striped short sleeve t & knee socks coz its cold.
current mood: bored to the point of going to to look up another word for bored - blase'.
current taste: sippin' on black coffee wishing it would turn into a cinnamon dolce latte, size tall, no whip, extra foam and don't forget the powder.
current hair: pulled back into a low ponytail & sprayed with aussies scrunch spray. effort was not in the cards this morning.
current annoyance: it appears today is going to be just as long as yesterday. and cold, let's not forget cold.
current smell: the aroma of the coffee which presently sits right in front of me is slowing finding its way up to my nose.
current thing you ought to be doing: if i were a go-getter i could go to my boss and as for more work today. that's a big IF though.
current jewelry: wedding/engagement ring on the left hand and my metal ring from EVV on my right middle finger. also, my silpada circle necklace.
current book: i'm thumbing through my stitchnbitch book while i procrastinate the start of the reader. one of these nights i'll choose reading over knitting. i swear.
current refreshment: bottom of the carafe coffee. blech.
current worry: that the internet at work might suddenly and w/o reason go out. i might have a panic attack if that happens.
current crush: why, edward cullen of course!
current longing: it's a toss up between that cinnamon dolce latte and the chicken & stuffing leftovers in the breakroom at work. how i long for lunch time.
current music: the secondhand serenade channel on pandora which is currently playing let it roll by secondhand serenade.
current wish: i dream of being at home, snuggled under a blanket, the kitties lying on my feet with the x-files playing on the tv and my knitting needles in my hands. i, of course, also have my macbook propped open on the coffee table next to me while i chat w/ my friends in between stitches.
current lyric in your head: i'm just humming along to pandora as it switches songs.
current makeup: just the usual, a splash of foundation here, a little blush there. nothing too extravagant. NET was my only intended destination today anyway. no one to impress here!
current undergarments: my light purple hanky pankys and a cream VS bra. woot.
current regret: bird-bathing it up instead of the full on shower this morning. i feel gross and sneezy.
current desktop picture: cellys! from EB and KL!
current plans for tonight/weekend: tonight - the american idol premiere, knitting, and dinner. weekend - TBD.
current cuss word du jour: "ahhh crap" said wisconsin-style. think bobbys world.
current disappointment: that i didn't stop at starbucks on my way in this morning.
current amusement: the giant man next to me on the phone telling one of our customers how he's "a listener."
current IM/person you're talking to: banda on googletalk.
current love: technology that bridges the distance.
current obsession: knitting.
current thing or things on your wall: in my cube - just the usual pictures/cards from friends/last years calendar still set on december. i'm living in the past.
current favorite book: eclipse. i will not be judged.
current favorite movie: the thing called love will always be my favorite. i did, however, just watch into the wild last night and have a small obsession now.
current mood: bored to the point of going to to look up another word for bored - blase'.
current taste: sippin' on black coffee wishing it would turn into a cinnamon dolce latte, size tall, no whip, extra foam and don't forget the powder.
current hair: pulled back into a low ponytail & sprayed with aussies scrunch spray. effort was not in the cards this morning.
current annoyance: it appears today is going to be just as long as yesterday. and cold, let's not forget cold.
current smell: the aroma of the coffee which presently sits right in front of me is slowing finding its way up to my nose.
current thing you ought to be doing: if i were a go-getter i could go to my boss and as for more work today. that's a big IF though.
current jewelry: wedding/engagement ring on the left hand and my metal ring from EVV on my right middle finger. also, my silpada circle necklace.
current book: i'm thumbing through my stitchnbitch book while i procrastinate the start of the reader. one of these nights i'll choose reading over knitting. i swear.
current refreshment: bottom of the carafe coffee. blech.
current worry: that the internet at work might suddenly and w/o reason go out. i might have a panic attack if that happens.
current crush: why, edward cullen of course!
current longing: it's a toss up between that cinnamon dolce latte and the chicken & stuffing leftovers in the breakroom at work. how i long for lunch time.
current music: the secondhand serenade channel on pandora which is currently playing let it roll by secondhand serenade.
current wish: i dream of being at home, snuggled under a blanket, the kitties lying on my feet with the x-files playing on the tv and my knitting needles in my hands. i, of course, also have my macbook propped open on the coffee table next to me while i chat w/ my friends in between stitches.
current lyric in your head: i'm just humming along to pandora as it switches songs.
current makeup: just the usual, a splash of foundation here, a little blush there. nothing too extravagant. NET was my only intended destination today anyway. no one to impress here!
current undergarments: my light purple hanky pankys and a cream VS bra. woot.
current regret: bird-bathing it up instead of the full on shower this morning. i feel gross and sneezy.
current desktop picture: cellys! from EB and KL!
current plans for tonight/weekend: tonight - the american idol premiere, knitting, and dinner. weekend - TBD.
current cuss word du jour: "ahhh crap" said wisconsin-style. think bobbys world.
current disappointment: that i didn't stop at starbucks on my way in this morning.
current amusement: the giant man next to me on the phone telling one of our customers how he's "a listener."
current IM/person you're talking to: banda on googletalk.
current love: technology that bridges the distance.
current obsession: knitting.
current thing or things on your wall: in my cube - just the usual pictures/cards from friends/last years calendar still set on december. i'm living in the past.
current favorite book: eclipse. i will not be judged.
current favorite movie: the thing called love will always be my favorite. i did, however, just watch into the wild last night and have a small obsession now.
Monday, January 12, 2009
a tip of the hatty to ya...
Friday, January 9, 2009
my project list
lets do this in order...
first things first
the video collage for my dads birthday. i have two video jokes from my family so far and i have yet to really delve into imovie. hopefully it's easy-peasy coz i have to have the video complete by the weekend of february 7th! i'll upload it here when it's done!
ugh and...
i need to finish up the scrapbook i'm making for seany. it's a memory book from the trip he and my dad took down the mississippi river.
i'm of course, working on my hatty. this is a small project however and will be done in the next day or so. i'm getting a little nervous about decreasing and finishing the top off. oh the pressure!
i'm going to attempt a baby blanket. it shouldn't be too hard as it's just a simple stockinette stitch. it has a hood though which will be interesting. here's a picture!

and then...
i need to try my hand at cabling! insert cabled scarfy!

all the while:
i'm working on a simple ribbed scarf like the first (technically 2nd) one i made a few posts ago. this time i followed the pattern and it's wide enough to not warrant the name "charlie brown" scarf. i like to have one easy project to work on for when the harder projects weigh on my mind. sometimes its nice to work on something you're good at.
dun dun dun...
my goal is to make the mittens that bella wore in twilight. they're so super cute but they also look really complicated. i found a pattern online but i'm definitely not skilled enough to attempt them quite yet. i have to master cabling first.

i found this on - doesn't look too complicated! add it to the list!

first things first
the video collage for my dads birthday. i have two video jokes from my family so far and i have yet to really delve into imovie. hopefully it's easy-peasy coz i have to have the video complete by the weekend of february 7th! i'll upload it here when it's done!
ugh and...
i need to finish up the scrapbook i'm making for seany. it's a memory book from the trip he and my dad took down the mississippi river.
i'm of course, working on my hatty. this is a small project however and will be done in the next day or so. i'm getting a little nervous about decreasing and finishing the top off. oh the pressure!
i'm going to attempt a baby blanket. it shouldn't be too hard as it's just a simple stockinette stitch. it has a hood though which will be interesting. here's a picture!

and then...
i need to try my hand at cabling! insert cabled scarfy!

all the while:
i'm working on a simple ribbed scarf like the first (technically 2nd) one i made a few posts ago. this time i followed the pattern and it's wide enough to not warrant the name "charlie brown" scarf. i like to have one easy project to work on for when the harder projects weigh on my mind. sometimes its nice to work on something you're good at.
dun dun dun...
my goal is to make the mittens that bella wore in twilight. they're so super cute but they also look really complicated. i found a pattern online but i'm definitely not skilled enough to attempt them quite yet. i have to master cabling first.

i found this on - doesn't look too complicated! add it to the list!

me, shovel?
i woke up to about an inch of snow this morning with more falling every minute i wasted lying in bed trying to not think of the snow. al roker didn't help with his constant reminders of snow across the plains. it was inescapable. unfortunately we didn't get enough downfall in the morning to justify an absence from work. i groggily made my way to the window in the kitchen to make one last judgment call. nope, not enough. i had to come into work. i refused to shovel though. the snow blower still intimidates me and i prefer to leave the snow removal to the male gender. i'm too dainty to shovel. i grumbled to aiko, "your dad wants to live in wisconsin - HE can shovel." unfortunately though he's out of town until late tonight. it's okay though - the snow will still be there when he returns. driving into work was fun. or not fun, depending on who's making the statement. my little eclipse mitzy didn't appreciate my making her trudge up the big hill on the way to the beltline. she gave me a few whines but got me here safely.
i am quite the busy bee this month. i have several projects ahead of me and it feels good to be busy. i'm feeling a bit more connected with myself which is relaxing. there are only a handful of things that could make this life better - living down south where there is no such thing as snow, and living in the same town as all the people i love. that is the only aspect where i sometimes feel disjointed. i am thankful for the internet though - it makes the distance seem shorter and helps keep us bound together. i am very lucky that my three closest friends are always a fingertip away.
i am quite the busy bee this month. i have several projects ahead of me and it feels good to be busy. i'm feeling a bit more connected with myself which is relaxing. there are only a handful of things that could make this life better - living down south where there is no such thing as snow, and living in the same town as all the people i love. that is the only aspect where i sometimes feel disjointed. i am thankful for the internet though - it makes the distance seem shorter and helps keep us bound together. i am very lucky that my three closest friends are always a fingertip away.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
take two!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
size matters
the problem has been identified. i need to re-read the chapter on how to read a pattern. that and needle size. using a size 10.5 circular needle on a pattern that calls for a size 7 results in a hat for giants. oh and also, apparently when a pattern calls for a stockinette stitch and you're working with circular needles all you need to do it knit a regular stitch! funny how the book failed to mention that. i think it's a conspiracy. thank the lawd i have mrs. banda to identify my short-comings. i vow that hat #2 will be a success!
well, it will be a success if i can find needles which are the correct size. i made a trip to michaels on my lunch break and it looks like the knitting section was ransacked by thieving grandmas. there were absolutely no size 7 8 or 9 circular needles. i'll have to make a second attempt at joanns on my way home. banda came to the rescue again and even sent me a 40% off coupon! woot!
on another note - i'm officially signing up for the gym tonight. a new golds gym opened up right by my house for $20/mo. it doesn't get any better than that! i'm looking forward to tracking my progress on the wii fit. my goal is to fit back into my khaki banana republic cargo pants. i've been saving them for a time such as this!
yay fitness and knitting!
well, it will be a success if i can find needles which are the correct size. i made a trip to michaels on my lunch break and it looks like the knitting section was ransacked by thieving grandmas. there were absolutely no size 7 8 or 9 circular needles. i'll have to make a second attempt at joanns on my way home. banda came to the rescue again and even sent me a 40% off coupon! woot!
on another note - i'm officially signing up for the gym tonight. a new golds gym opened up right by my house for $20/mo. it doesn't get any better than that! i'm looking forward to tracking my progress on the wii fit. my goal is to fit back into my khaki banana republic cargo pants. i've been saving them for a time such as this!
yay fitness and knitting!
Monday, January 5, 2009
RIP ye hatty
in two parts
part 1
call me ancient. knitting is fun! the work week just started back up and my mind is wandering back to all the knits and purls that await me at home. i am working on a hat now and i can't wait to finish it. banda informed me last night that i'm doing the stockinette stitch wrong but i'm too far into the hat to stop and start over now. it will turn out fine... technically i've made my own pattern. woot! this is my practice hat anyhow, so it really doesn't matter. the next hat i'll make (correctly following the pattern) will be super cute! i can't wait to use the pretty yarn i bought at the meyer house in st. louis. i have been scouting out some local yarn stores in madison and am excited to check them out this weekend. joann fabrics works okay for some things since i'm just starting out but as i get better i know i'm going to be a yarn snob. acrylic - eegads!
okay, enough about knitting.
part 2
i always have a wavering feeling on new years eve. this year was no different. it is nothing i dwell on - just every year right around midnight i get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. the new year has come and gone though and i'm back to feeling optimistic. i have a lot to look forward to this year.
jenny and sean are planning a visit to madison this summer. hopefully we will be able to make it to the harry potter exhibition in chicago. i'm also counting down the days until harry potter 5 comes out which jenny and i have planned on meeting in st. louie for.
phantom of the opera is playing at the fox theatre in september. seany and i are planning on going and i'd love to take emily too. the only thing that would make this better is if it were les mis - but i do love me some phantom.
my daddys birthday is in february. it falls on a weekend so i'll be going to st. louis to celebrate! he's going to be 70 this year so i need to plan something special.
the presidential inauguration is in a few weeks! i can't wait.
we can't forget about new moon coming out in *hopefully* november. i sure hope the summer doesn't drag on... :)
i would lovelovelove to plan a trip to CT with jenny to see erin! we'll see how this pans out though ~ plane tickets sure are expensive.
my calendar is filling up quite nicely. i like to keep busy in the summer. the winter months are always filled with snow and ice and make it hard to travel. i end up sitting on my butt at home in layer upon layer of clothing waiting for the sun to come back out.
hopefully 2009 will be filled with a lot of good memories.
call me ancient. knitting is fun! the work week just started back up and my mind is wandering back to all the knits and purls that await me at home. i am working on a hat now and i can't wait to finish it. banda informed me last night that i'm doing the stockinette stitch wrong but i'm too far into the hat to stop and start over now. it will turn out fine... technically i've made my own pattern. woot! this is my practice hat anyhow, so it really doesn't matter. the next hat i'll make (correctly following the pattern) will be super cute! i can't wait to use the pretty yarn i bought at the meyer house in st. louis. i have been scouting out some local yarn stores in madison and am excited to check them out this weekend. joann fabrics works okay for some things since i'm just starting out but as i get better i know i'm going to be a yarn snob. acrylic - eegads!
okay, enough about knitting.
part 2
i always have a wavering feeling on new years eve. this year was no different. it is nothing i dwell on - just every year right around midnight i get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. the new year has come and gone though and i'm back to feeling optimistic. i have a lot to look forward to this year.
jenny and sean are planning a visit to madison this summer. hopefully we will be able to make it to the harry potter exhibition in chicago. i'm also counting down the days until harry potter 5 comes out which jenny and i have planned on meeting in st. louie for.
phantom of the opera is playing at the fox theatre in september. seany and i are planning on going and i'd love to take emily too. the only thing that would make this better is if it were les mis - but i do love me some phantom.
my daddys birthday is in february. it falls on a weekend so i'll be going to st. louis to celebrate! he's going to be 70 this year so i need to plan something special.
the presidential inauguration is in a few weeks! i can't wait.
we can't forget about new moon coming out in *hopefully* november. i sure hope the summer doesn't drag on... :)
i would lovelovelove to plan a trip to CT with jenny to see erin! we'll see how this pans out though ~ plane tickets sure are expensive.
my calendar is filling up quite nicely. i like to keep busy in the summer. the winter months are always filled with snow and ice and make it hard to travel. i end up sitting on my butt at home in layer upon layer of clothing waiting for the sun to come back out.
hopefully 2009 will be filled with a lot of good memories.
Friday, January 2, 2009
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