Tuesday, March 11, 2008

day 4, or is this 5?

just as suspected, bryan hated the curtains. i think he's learning to give in a little bit on the things that don't really matter a whole lot though, and the curtains are here to stay. we've gotten a lot of work done in the last day and a half. all three bedrooms are painted now plus the hallway and all the closets. the dumpster should be arriving today so we can start cleaning stuff out. that'll make it much easier to clean the floors enough to start laying the wood flooring in the next day or two. the carpet guy comes on friday, so i have a feeling its going to be a couple of late nights in the next few days. we were there until 1230 or so last night and today i'm exhausted. i might try to sneak in a nap between picking up bryans clothes at the apartment and heading over to the house after work. i just need a nice 30 minute power nap and i'll be ready to go.

work has been really slow today for some reason. i have work to do, but its nothing really pressing that has to be taken care of right this minute. and frankly, i just don't feel like doing anything. i'm so burnt out from yesterday i'm finding eyelids droop as i sit at the computer. i've tried caffiene and nothing is helping.

in other news, i have developed quite a crush on my boyfriend david cook on american idol. i have previously been proud to declare that i have never voted on american idol in the past... it's never really been my thing. this year for some reason (i blame it on the tivo) i've made it my goal to watch every episode for this season. i must admit, i plan on voting my little heart out tonight for david cook. wish us luck.

1 comment:

  1. you : david cook :: me : jason castro.

    i feel the same way. i've never been disgusting about following AI, but this year something's taken hold of me. and it has dreadlocks.
