Friday, October 3, 2008

some rambling

i'm trying to learn that i have no control over anyone but myself. i think once i get this through my head i'll be free to be a happier person. i'm tired of worrying about how other people will react to what i say or do. i am who i am. i can't help what i like or dislike. i have a weird sense of humor. i don't care if you think it's weird or not. learn to like it or get away from me.

i believe in energy. it seems like once i let go of trying to will something to happen, once i really am happy with who i am and what i do and the moment im in, i attract others towards me. more specifically one person. once i let go of worrying about what the next move should be, poof, there i am back where i want to be.

this is something i need to get better at.

this isn't meant to make sense.

1 comment:

  1. "i believe in energy"

    i love that. and you.
