Tuesday, January 13, 2009

the current

current clothing: the usual jewelry, uggs, jeans, white long sleeve shirt under a blue striped short sleeve t & knee socks coz its cold.

current mood: bored to the point of going to thesaurus.com to look up another word for bored - blase'.

current taste: sippin' on black coffee wishing it would turn into a cinnamon dolce latte, size tall, no whip, extra foam and don't forget the powder.

current hair: pulled back into a low ponytail & sprayed with aussies scrunch spray. effort was not in the cards this morning.

current annoyance: it appears today is going to be just as long as yesterday. and cold, let's not forget cold.

current smell: the aroma of the coffee which presently sits right in front of me is slowing finding its way up to my nose.

current thing you ought to be doing: if i were a go-getter i could go to my boss and as for more work today. that's a big IF though.

current jewelry: wedding/engagement ring on the left hand and my metal ring from EVV on my right middle finger. also, my silpada circle necklace.

current book: i'm thumbing through my stitchnbitch book while i procrastinate the start of the reader. one of these nights i'll choose reading over knitting. i swear.

current refreshment: bottom of the carafe coffee. blech.

current worry: that the internet at work might suddenly and w/o reason go out. i might have a panic attack if that happens.

current crush: why, edward cullen of course!

current longing: it's a toss up between that cinnamon dolce latte and the chicken & stuffing leftovers in the breakroom at work. how i long for lunch time.

current music: the secondhand serenade channel on pandora which is currently playing let it roll by secondhand serenade.

current wish: i dream of being at home, snuggled under a blanket, the kitties lying on my feet with the x-files playing on the tv and my knitting needles in my hands. i, of course, also have my macbook propped open on the coffee table next to me while i chat w/ my friends in between stitches.

current lyric in your head: i'm just humming along to pandora as it switches songs.

current makeup: just the usual, a splash of foundation here, a little blush there. nothing too extravagant. NET was my only intended destination today anyway. no one to impress here!

current undergarments: my light purple hanky pankys and a cream VS bra. woot.

current regret: bird-bathing it up instead of the full on shower this morning. i feel gross and sneezy.

current desktop picture: cellys! from EB and KL!

current plans for tonight/weekend: tonight - the american idol premiere, knitting, and dinner. weekend - TBD.

current cuss word du jour: "ahhh crap" said wisconsin-style. think bobbys world.

current disappointment: that i didn't stop at starbucks on my way in this morning.

current amusement: the giant man next to me on the phone telling one of our customers how he's "a listener."

current IM/person you're talking to: banda on googletalk.

current love: technology that bridges the distance.

current obsession: knitting.

current thing or things on your wall: in my cube - just the usual pictures/cards from friends/last years calendar still set on december. i'm living in the past.

current favorite book: eclipse. i will not be judged.

current favorite movie: the thing called love will always be my favorite. i did, however, just watch into the wild last night and have a small obsession now.

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