Tuesday, January 20, 2009

my career

ya know, i'm happy being careerless. bryan and i were at noodles the other day and he was constantly getting little pings on his cellphone letting him know he had a message. the messages, of course, were all from work. he shoveled food into his mouth as he flipped through each one. between mouthfulls of his wisconsin-style mac and cheese he would explain this and that to me about new products, promotions, travel schedules, etc. he was perfectly happy perusing his inbox in the midst of our lunch. it was at this moment when it dawned on me - he has a career.

i, however, have a job - and i am perfectly happy with that. i don't struggle to "get ahead." i don't check my work email after 5pm (4:30 if i'm lucky to sneak out early). i don't really care about much as long as my paycheck shows up on time and in full.

that's not to say i don't work while i'm at work. i have to do my job in order to get paid. if i don't send out the invoices the money doesn't come in and trickle down to little old me. i guess my point is - i would probably be perfectly happy doing a different job somewhere else as well. i work for a good company and have a lot of leeway regarding what i can and can't get away with and i like it here - but i'm not looking to move up anywhere here... i'm just happy doing my own thing, listening to pandora and minding my own business.

someday i'm going to be rich and not have to work, so what's the point in trying to hard now, anyway?


  1. i will be very, very excited the day i get a career. however, after being in school since the age of 4, it is so nice to not have to worry about anything after 4:30. at least for a little while.

  2. i like being careerless too! i have enough to think about without taking my work home with me at night too.

    also i love free coffee. double plus.
