Monday, February 16, 2009

crisis averted

well, my mom deleted her facebook account. instead of jumping up and down like a fat kid who just got a free piece of cake - i'm feeling a little guilty. i was really quick to judge her for joining. my conscience has been getting the better of me the past few days and i've been trying to put myself in her shoes. all she's trying to do is be in with the cool kids. she hears us talking about facebook all the time. "facebook this," and "facebook that." should i really be upset with her for being curious?

my big concern was the fact that she can't even work her darn cell phone. i really don't want her constantly coming to me with questions about facebook too. now that she deleted her account though, i find myself wanting to teach her how to do certain things. i mean, would it really be that bad? if i put her on limited profile it might even be convenient for her to stay updated.

these thoughts are all well and good but i realize i'll be kicking myself for it later if i help her re-create an account. it always happens this way. i start to treat her like maybe things *will* be different this time. then, she'll call me with her teasing voice saying, "i saw your facebook status. what's that supposed to mean?" and i'll remember all over again why i got so upset when i saw the friend request from her in the first place.

oh me, oh my. now if only i could get my conscience to take a hike.


  1. she loves you. she'll tease you until it doesn't bother you anymore. *mother!* omg. i just thought about my mom getting a facebook account. i already get forwards from jesus in all my other email accounts.

  2. i wanted mary duffield to be my facebook friend! ugh!

  3. personally, i love it when jesus emails me.

  4. i prefer direct emails from jesus, not his forwards

  5. as i just told you, ann willson has a facebook account. i've learned to embrace it.

  6. ann wilson, from 70's rock supergroup Heart?
