Wednesday, July 9, 2008

i have a complaint

a good friend of mine is in the works of getting a divorce. i won't pretend i know the whole story, but from the bits and pieces i do know, i can't say i blame her one bit.

i take that last statement back. i don't blame anyone for getting a divorce. if you're unhappy enough to the point of wanting one, then it's probably for the best. who am i to judge? it's for sure not my place. what is my place though is to be there for my friend, and to side with her 100%. i don't think i'm the kind of friend who will let you make a stupid decision without letting you know i think it's a stupid decision - but i'll still back you no questions asked.

that being said, onto my complaint. so i signed onto AIM the other day and i wasn't on for 2 seconds before boom her husband messages me. if there was a prize given out to those who could guess what the approaching conversation would entail - i would've won it hands down. so of course i get the whole "whoa is me" attitude. the "i still love her" comments, and the "i'd do anything to get her back" promises. was i suprised? of course not. what did suprise me however, was the fact that he had the balls to even take this route to get to her.

as my daddy always said, i didn't just fall off the potato wagon. i'm not stupid. i knew he was hoping somewhere deep down that i would say, "oh wow, she's totally misjudged you (you big giant asshole)... i should go tell her what a big mistake she's making." well if that's what you though then you've obviously misjudged me. YEAH I SAID IT.

the reason girls and guys each have their own respective friends is for this reason. her friends side with her and your friends side with you. nice try buddy, but you're gonna have to try a lot harder to fool me.

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